This comprehensive course orientation provides a detailed overview of the class and includes navigating the course, locating important information like assignment instructions, and how to expertly film yourself for discussion posts. The video also includes important aspects of sociology including specializations, sociological "style," and the importance of studying human behavior in our quest to find the ultimate truth of our existence.
"There are times when it feels like society is crumbling around us. This means we must make intentional efforts to learn and grow both as individuals and as a members of a larger society. By employing a sociological mindset, one can better cultivate empathy and increase self-awareness through study, observation, and conscious effort." |
I've been teaching sociology since 2001 after leaving the corporate world. I've been a professor at El Camino since 2004 and have been teaching online courses since 2010!
WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY? Sociology is the study of human social behavior, society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture that surrounds everyday life. While some sociologists conduct research that informs policy, others focus primarily on applying the theoretical understanding of social processes to everyday life. Subject matter can range from micro-level analyses of society (i.e., of individual interaction and agency) to macro-level analyses (i.e., institutional systems and social structure). |
Many students take sociology to fulfill a general education requirement but there are some who intend to major or minor in sociology.
There are many interesting subfields within the umbrella of sociology including the sociology of education, religion, sports, the media, sex & gender, social stratification, race & ethnicity, and marriage & family to name a few. Whatever your reason for taking a sociology course, you will find that what you learn is highly valuable and applicable to all aspects of one's life. I am most interested in observing the social construction of reality and working towards gaining a more expansive understanding of the human experience in all of its various, modern forms including social media, film, art, & television. |
what is a sabbatical?
My good friend, fellow professor, and a person who I have done numerous videos with, is going on a sabbatical to advance the discipline and I am really excited about her latest research projects! In this video, she shares her plans for her trip to Southeast Asia.
Are we really communicating effectively?: